This section contains excerpts from published articles written by Lorraine Hart. They are organized into the following general topics:
Planning & Organization Insights
Remodel Your Business for Success
What comes to mind when we say remodel? A new kitchen or bathroom perhaps or maybe an extension on someone’s house? Why remodel? People remodel for a number of reasons: greater functionality or efficiency, more space, aesthetics, and so on. Often,...
Creating Your Future
Organizing for your future and the future of your business As we start a new year, we often look back to see where we have been and look forward and wonder where we can go. As we reflect on what has been, let’s also look at where we might go. Although it is...
Marketing Insights
Reaching Out
Effective marketing Rather than putting our marketing efforts solely into advertising, we need to view marketing from a broader perspective that includes public relations and direct marketing. For years I have heard a lot of varying comments with regard to marketing,...
Do They Know You Exist?
Cost effective marketing It often is hard to believe that not all of our clients remember us or realize that we offer far more services than they used. To make sure that you are the one they go to when they need more work or their friends need a referral it is...
Management Insights
Business from Outside the Box
Management includes thinking and operating from outside the box How often have you been frustrated because things are just not going the way they are supposed to? I hear this lament from clients all the time. Another common complaint I hear is: “there...
Be Proactive Not Reactive
Management-be prepared to make things happen How often do we hear that we should be more proactive and wonder how we could possibly be more proactive than we already are? In this article I would like to explore the ways in which we are reactive and the ways in which...
Employee Insights
Predicting People
Understanding and managing people and their motivations The one common, underlying aspect to all areas of business and life itself is people. Whether we are trying to market, sell, run a business, or handle employees, we need to understand people. How often have...
What is the Hiring Funnel?
Up until a few years ago the hiring funnel consisted of 2 elements- the upper cone and a narrow stem. Sourcing candidates filled the cone and after completing a simple application and quick interview, many employees were hired. Companies filled the cone by...
Profitability Insights
Is Fear Keeping Your Profits Low?
Often what I find in working with clients is that there is an underlying prevalent fear when it comes to selling, and because of this the sales person drops the price. Unfortunately when a sales person is or becomes fearful they have also lost control of the whole...
Pro-active Job Costing
For years I have been asked questions about what to charge or how to price a particular service. If we are in business or we have ever tried to sell something we have most likely struggled with this question and the issues surrounding pricing. There are so many...