Having policies and procedures in place will result in more efficient and productive employees. The following articles explore methods to hire and keep good staff and increase employee productivity through training and incentives.
Sinking or Swimming
Employee training One of the most troublesome areas of many businesses is employees – finding them, hiring them, getting them to do what is needed and keeping them. In spite of this, one of the most neglected areas of employee relations is training. We recognize...
Employees: You can’t live with them – you can’t live without them
Finding and keeping good staff You can’t live with them – you can’t live without them. Although you may occasionally want to throw up your hands and fire everyone – or almost everyone – you suddenly realize that you really do need them. So maybe the...
Preparing For Staff
Preparation will lead to successful employees To make sure that a new employee actually becomes part of the solution instead of just adding to the existing problem, you’ve got to make sure that you are prepared for them when they show up for their first day on...
Be Prepared to Hire
Most of us have heard of disaster preparedness, for example getting your bag of items ready in case of emergency. When you are hiring new staff, you also need to prepare with a “toolkit” of sorts so that you are prepared to find, select, interview, and hire that...
Predicting People
Understanding and managing people and their motivations The one common, underlying aspect to all areas of business and life itself is people. Whether we are trying to market, sell, run a business, or handle employees, we need to understand people. How often have...
What is the Hiring Funnel?
Up until a few years ago the hiring funnel consisted of 2 elements- the upper cone and a narrow stem. Sourcing candidates filled the cone and after completing a simple application and quick interview, many employees were hired. Companies filled the cone by...