by Cindy Walding | Nov 19, 2024 | Profitability
Effective and efficient subcontractors will enable you to do more work and increase profits In recent surveys we keep hearing the same lament, “I can’t find qualified workers.” The other complaint I often hear is “it is so difficult to train my crew and then they...
by Cindy Walding | Nov 19, 2024 | Profitability
Using subcontractors to increase profits In a recent article we examined the idea of increasing profits through subcontractors. In this article we will look at the pros and cons and some of the cautions of dealing with subcontractors. One of the obvious advantages...
by Cindy Walding | Nov 19, 2024 | Profitability
Understanding your job costs, gross profit, and profit and loss statements You work so hard, you think you are doing everything right, and yet your profits just don’t seem to be where they should be. You have listened to others tell you that you are just too big, or...
by Cindy Walding | Nov 19, 2024 | Profitability
According to a recent report from NAHB, there has been an increase in smaller remodeling projects as well as in larger remodeling jobs over $25,000. It’s no surprise that many contractors prefer the larger jobs, but can your company benefit from the smaller ones too?...
by Cindy Walding | Nov 19, 2024 | Profitability
Often what I find in working with clients is that there is an underlying prevalent fear when it comes to selling, and because of this the sales person drops the price. Unfortunately when a sales person is or becomes fearful they have also lost control of the...
by Cindy Walding | Nov 19, 2024 | Profitability
Increase profits by proper job costing For years I have been asked questions about what to charge or how to price a particular service. If we are in business or we have ever tried to sell something we have most likely struggled with this question and the issues...