SEO Google Visibility

The first requirement for visitors to find your business is to make sure your website is visible to the search engines. This is referred to as being search engine friendly. Your website needs to be optimized which includes keyword research and strategy. This...

Creating Proposals that Sell

Have you ever wondered why your beautiful, well documented, detailed proposal doesn’t lead to the sale of the job?  Contrary to popular belief, it is not always the price.  And no, it is not necessary to give them even more detail.  In fact it’s often...

Sales Forms as a Valuable Marketing Tool

Most of us use some type of form to collect information about someone wanting to use our services. That form is a valuable tool not only for sales but for future marketing as well. You have the basic questions covered, name, email etc…however there are other questions...

Communication is the Key to Sales

No matter how great our products and services are, they won’t do any good if we can’t sell them. I’m sure we have all experienced the frustration of knowing that we could really help a potential customer, but still somehow couldn’t convince them to use our services. I...

Close More Sales

Probably the biggest topic in sales is closing the sale. Unfortunately, much of the sales advice out there amounts to tricks to close the sale. We often look for ways to sell better, close better, outsell the competition or handle the unfair competition. We are often...

Decisions – Decisions

Decisions are critical on both sides of the table in sales How often have we all heard this expression!  Although making decisions is part of our normal every day life, some of us have more difficulty with decision making than others.  And yet decision...