Robi Kirsic, CKBR is the third recipient of the 2017 President’s Award. Dale’s first impression of him was, “a little young isn’t he? Doesn’t look like a remodeler, more like a hipster!” But WOW, what Robi had to say sure was good and the more Dale got to know him and listened, his eyes opened wide to Robi’s experience, maturity and the wisdom beyond his years.
Watching Robi grow, both professionally and personally these past few years, has helped Dale become a better leader. Dale has become more accepting of the next generation, who will be defining the future of the remodeling industry.
This “whipper snapper” looks to inspire youth to join the remodeling industry, and to show them that this is a viable career to support their families. He has a unique ability to communicate well, to listen when it’s important and is a real problem solver. He is a man of solid integrity, and has a passion for doing the right thing.
Robi has supported Dale during the past year with solid, gut instincts and has given him unadulterated and valuable feedback. Dale finished with, “I trust him personally and professionally as an officer, and I can assure you we are all in good hands with this young man as our leader.”
Congratulations Robi for your support and contribution as demonstrated with this President’s Award.