I choose Ideal Consulting because many of my successful associates were using them. They changed every facet of my business and we are more organized in the office and in the field. I needed help in all of the different departments to run a business and they were there for me. Revenue increased 40% the first year and am experiencing increase the second year. My life is easier – they have my back
My business is booming and I have more time for both myself and my family. I would recommend Ideal Consulting Services to any business owner looking to improve their business.
I started my consulting services with you one year ago. I was a small contractor doing all office work on my own. You helped me develop an office staff, organize my estimating techniques and most important aided me with my personal time management. Since the onset of my consulting my carpenter staff has doubled, my client satisfaction has increased, sales have increased, and most of all my personal time with my family has increased ten fold. Your overall business concepts have been a great help in taking my business to the next plateau. I would recommend your services to any of my business associates.”
As a new company starting out, we needed guidelines and formulas on how to handle the business and its related problems. Ideal Consulting Services has given us that. We now have answers to questions that actually work. We are thrilled with the results! We can actually, at a glance, evaluate how the business and employees are doing and can tell what is and what isn’t being effective. We have found new ways to handle all types of situations, and if they aren’t working, another new way is only a phone call away. We are happy and excited to refer anyone to Ideal Consulting Services!
Ideal Consulting Services has completely changed the way I run my business. Prior to working with them I thought I was managing my company but I could not reconcile one glaring inconsistent fact. I knew we provided the best quality product but we did not have a demand for our services. The cost that we were selling our product for did not come close to what the product was worth. After working with Ideal Consulting Services … I am glad to say that is no longer a problem. Today there is not one aspect of my business that hasn’t been improved and made more efficient as a result of working with Ideal Consulting Services.
Our experience with IDEAL Consulting far surpassed our wildest expectations. Problems disappeared as simple solutions were applied and the level of enjoyment in the practice increased with each improvement.
We have used Ideal Consulting Services for 3 years and nearly doubled revenue and staff. We increased cash flow and kept our business model in check. They provided hiring help and helped us to be organized. They give us tasks and hold us accountable. Their business model fits our needs perfectly. Lorraine and staff are easy to work with and always available when we need help. They know our business and specialize in building and construction. They are a huge asset to our business! aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.
Thank you for teaching an old dog some new tricks. The methodologies you taught me are fantastically simple and dynamically effective. I have had some incredible insights into why I have been able to create a variety of successful businesses only to see them collapse. I really never knew what I was doing right, so when things started to go sour, I hadn’t a clue what to do but continue the same old patterns. Typically, I would splurge when I should economize and be thrifty when I should have been promoting. Consequently, success was always followed by collapse.
I’m writing to tell you that I just sold my company for enough money to provide for myself, my three siblings, and my elderly parents, so as to live happily ever after without ever having to worry about money again! That’s a lot of money. Your advice was exactly right. ALL the things you suggested we ultimately did. I only wish we had done them sooner. Thank you, IDEAL. You really put me on the road and led me to success. I wouldn’t have done it without you.
The greatest value I have received from this course is the confidence in knowing that my main role as an executive is to get work done through others and not feel guilty for not doing the work. It has given me an incredible amount of freedom and flexibility in my life. I now have the time to spend on visionary and creative projects and strategies to expand our organization.
This course gave me the foundation in characteristics and strategies on being an executive and has given me purpose and excitement by getting out of the ‘trenches’ and being able to work ‘on’ my business instead of ‘in’ my business.
I have recently reflected as to what I have achieved thanks to you and your staff. Therefore, I am sending you a little status report along with my deepest thanks and gratitude. We now have a fully diversified staff that includes separate divisions for: sales, public relations, finance, quality, production, communications and executive. We are organized! We can take in more work and produce it faster. Staff morale is extremely high. Most importantly I feel in control and that the complexities of my business can be managed successfully.
You keep us thinking so we stay relevant.
Ideal Consulting knows industry specific issues, has experience and knowledge and is highly recommended. I have someone to ask questions to about any part of my business. They are a tremendous hiring asset and helps us with bad practices, a great resource for small businesses. Helped with employee issues, financials and structure of the company
Ideal Consulting helped us in numerous way with marketing and consulting of the business and in trying to come up with job description for positions in the company. Helped us with hiring employees forservice areas and in the office. Happy with them ever since and have recommended Ideal Consulting numerous times because of the results I have gotten.
I called Ideal Consulting and said “HELP!” Wow, I got more than I bargained for. You taught me an easy to understand and doable system to control the finances of my company. Money flows in when I correctly apply the data. Production is improving and so on… An incredible win for me and my company.
When my company started working with Ideal Consulting, our volume was a few million dollars. Since then our volume has grown 330%. It was the organizing board that provided us with the foundation for growth. Without this foundation we would not have been able to attract the competent employees we needed to support our growth. Our organization has given our clients the confidence they needed in choosing us.
Ideal Consulting has provided me with some very valuable tools for management. It first taught me what I’m doing as a manager and that I have a purpose and direction for managing. I now have some excellent management techniques that I have been able to apply as well as the data I need to be more effective and more successful at being an executive.
Ideal Consulting taught me an easily implemented, powerful approach to management used by businesses throughout the world. It helps put order and logical good sense into all those “other” aspects of running a business such as financial planning, getting in more business, and making sure your business is operating efficiently and effectively.
Ideal Consulting Services has helped my business tremendously. They gave me a tool I use every day which proved invaluable and a huge time saver.” Increased confidence level, professionalism – huge improvement because of Ideal’s services. Ideal Consulting has significantly changed the way I do business. I have more time to do estimates and more time with my family. They provided support with bookkeeping, social media and email campaigns and web development-redid my website cleaner look, up to date and better rankings
As a new company starting out, we needed guidelines and formulas on how to handle the business and its related problems. Ideal Consulting Services has given us that. We now have answers to questions that actually work. We are thrilled with the results! We can actually, at a glance, evaluate how the business and employees are doing and can tell what is and what isn’t being effective. We have found new ways to handle all types of situations, and if they aren’t working, another new way is only a phone call away. We are happy and excited to refer anyone to Ideal Consulting Services!
I have obtained an understanding of measuring products and production. I have also learned how to correct or enhance things going on with my business using proven formulas. I no longer feel as if I’m guessing at what is the right or wrong thing to do. I can study situations at hand and implement what needs to be done! I really feel this has given me an overall better understanding of business management
I would like to formally acknowledge your contribution to the reorganization of my business. Your help and guidance was invaluable. The management system helped me to pinpoint my problems and shortcomings as a business owner. As a result of your efforts, I feel my business has become both more profitable and more efficient. I found your help in identifying job descriptions particularly helpful when hiring employees. You have helped me develop policy and procedural manuals to clarify company policy and employee relationships. I found your service to be well worth the money and time I invested with you and readily recommend your services to others.
The most important piece of data that I learned was finding out what was getting in the way of production. That’s really important for an organization to know. Surveys are extremely valuable to handle what is needed and wanted and can easily uncover hidden layers of data.