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Website Lessons Learned from the Pandemic


The pandemic has changed the way we all shop and interact. These types of changes have made your most important marketing tool,  your company’s website, significantly more important.

The following are some website considerations to help move your business forward:

Updated modern look with money shot photos. If your website is outdated and hasn’t been updated in a few years, it probably needs a makeover. Just as if you are selling your house, you want it to be in excellent condition so you get lots of offers. An older style website featuring old projects gives the impression that your work will be outdated also.

Easy and clear navigation. When visitors arrive at your company’s website, they should be able to clearly find what they are looking for. If they find it disorganized, they will most likely leave.

Really good content will keep you potential customers coming back for more. Add interesting relevant content including articles to your website. Google likes original content and if your website is search engine optimized your company will be easier to find.

A Contact Form, a must have for your website. It is a way for visitors to contact you about the project they are planning. As we learned from doing business during the pandemic, we need to take advantage of every opportunity to communicate and make it easier for customers to reach us online.

It’s time to build a better website, call for free website evaluation.

832-617-7067 or 516 826-6725