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Become more Effective, Efficient and Profitable

Publicize All of Your Good Works

There are so many ways that you can shine.  We all know that doing a really good job for our clients is the best way to shine, but we need to go beyond doing a good job.  And we have to make sure that we aren’t hiding our good works.  We have to get those good works known not only for our clients but our prospective clients as well.

Many of us tend to rely on Word of Mouth marketing.  That is good, but there are ways to encourage even more word of mouth.  This might entail simply asking for referrals, but it should also include staying in regular communication with our past clients.  Some of you will be thinking that they can’t possibly forget you, after all you did such a wonderful job or helped them so much.  While that is true, it is also true that they may not be thinking about you all the time.   Even worse, they may think that your services are limited to what you did for them.  That seems to be the biggest issue I see with regard to getting referrals.  I have had clients tell me they were upset because a past customer hired another contractor for a project that they could have done.  The reason was that the customers were not aware of the full scope of projects that my clients handled.

Publicizing your good works is your chance to shine.  It is your opportunity to set yourself apart from your competitors.